Dec 17, 2009

World's Top Ten Militaries

1) USA -(AMP)1,426,026 Nuclear Power - 3,575 Strategic Nukes est.

2) Russia -(AMP)1,037,000 , Nuclear Power 3,083 Strategic Nukes est.

3) China -(AMP)2,255,000, Nuclear Power - 180 Strategic Nukes est.

4) United Kingdom (AMP)187,970 , Nuclear Power 160 Nukes est.

5) France (AMP) 361,085 , Nuclear Power - 300 Strategic Nukes est.

6) Zionist/Israel (AMP)168,000 , Nuclear Power - 80+ Strategic Nukes est.

7) Pakistan (AMP) 715,000 , Nuclear Power - 60 Strategic Nukes est.

8) India (AMP) 1,325,000 Nuclear Power - 50 Strategic Nukes est.

9) Turkey (AMP) 514,850

10) North Korea (AMP) 1,106,000 , Nuclear Power 2-10 Strategic Nukes est.

KEY: (AMP)= Active Military Personnel, "Strategic Nukes" means how many Nuclear Weapons currently ready for use at any given moment.

Power ranking is determined by

1)Man power
2)War/battle record
3)Military/Martial Tradition & History
4)Nuclear Power Weapon status
5)Technological capability
6)Nature/Structure of the Military
9)Economy/ Military Expenditure
10)Also the "surprise" element.

Be aware that some Militaries ranked below 5 CAN under various conditions and various means defeat a Military Above it's own Rank. 


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